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Data Migration

File Data

IT-ConServUK has developed a robust tool that allows for the moving of large volumes of data with very little human intervention. It is bandwidth aware and can handle odd characters, long file paths and locked files. It is able to monitor server performance and work queues and has proved to be the only tool that can operate within a DiskXtender environment. Its robust checks and reporting functionality mean that it is not possible for data to be deleted unless the copy has been verified.

A version of the tool can be used for replicating data between servers for a more robust DR solution. It can be set to NOT replicate corrupt data.


Databases and Spreadsheets

IT-ConServUK has worked with many companies to develop mapping and formatting tools. This can be helpful in migrating between payroll packages and it can save a great deal of time when manipulating things like spreadsheets. If you have an unusual data migration request and are able to provide a specification then we would almost certainly be able to assist.


Product Features

Identification of corrupt files

Simple User Interface

Bandwidth aware

Long file path support

Server performance based throttle

Copies files in use

Will not overwrite newer files

Skips unchanged files

Robust large data volume copies

Handles odd characters

Monitors server work queus

Server Replication

Robust reporting

Deletes data once copied

Data Archiving - Nearlining Software

There is a cost associated with data storage and this is normally tiered on a sliding scale, dependent largely on how often the data changes. In environments where a business is charged for the amount of data it needs access to, it in their interests to filter off the data that can be moved to cheaper storage and only have immediately available, that data they require instant access too. IT-ConServUK is able to provide a software solution that scores files based on access frequency and move those that fit the criteria, to pre-defined areas. If full automation of this process is not required, the software is able to produce reports and allow a data manager to make decisions about what to either archive or to move to less expensive storage.

Data Billing

If you are a business that is seeking to bill for data usage OR a business unit seeking to reduce your data bill then we can help.


Billing For Data Usage

It is becoming more common for the cost of data storage to be divided between the business units that access that data. This requires a degree of organisation of the folder structures and a means of capturing data volumes by business unit. With vast experience in this area IT-ConservUK is able to assist with the organisation of data into industry standard folder structures and then the deployment of services that will capture monthly data usage by business unit. This application can be AD integrated and a SQL back end allows for trending, reporting and the generation of the monthly bill. The product is highly customisable and can be tailored to any requirement.



Reducing Your Data Bill

If you are a small business unit that is being hurt by high data usage charges and are seeking ways to reduce your data bill then let us help you. We have worked with many market sectors including Rail, Roads, Water and Nuclear and have experience in de-duplicating and dividing up data between cheep and more expensive storage options. Getting the balance right between high and low value data is critical as is understanding the need for fast access to certain data some of the time. Archiving is also key to reducing your bill and we have many proven tools to assist with the identification of old or legacy data that can be archived off.

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